
Rock Paper Scissors with MATLAB 

 January 7, 2019

By  Gunjan Gupta

>> For the discussion on Rock Paper Scissors, Move the YouTube Video Player Cursor to 32 minutes

Are you feeling exhausted after extensive coding in MATLAB? Then why are you thinking for something else if you  can play Rock paper scissors with MATLAB?Open a new window and start playing it.Here are the steps to help you to code and play Rock paper scissors in MATLAB.

Step: 1 Open MATLAB editor

  1. Open MATLAB
  2. Open MATLAB editor in the above visible panel
  3. Click on new and take a new script

Step:2  Game rules

  • The winner is determined by the following rules:
    1. Rock beats scissors
    2. Scissors beats paper
    3. Paper beats rock
    4. If both players make the same move, there is no winner and the game is a draw.


% Game: Rock Paper Scissors
% Author: Gunjan Gupta
% Organization: MATLAB Helper
% Link: https://mlhp.link/2018Sept21Webinar1

clc; clear;

% The winner is determined by the following rules:
% 1. Rock beats scissors; % 2. Scissors beats paper; % 3. Paper beats rock;
% 4. If both players make the same move, then game is a draw.
% Rock = R; % Paper = P; % Scissors = S; % R=1; % P=2; % S=3

n = 1; %Start with game 1
player_win = 0; % Wins of Player
computer_win = 0; % Wins of Computer

% Loop to get atleast 3 games with results
while (n < 4)
    fprintf('\nLet us play the Game #%d \n', n);
    n = n+1; % Increase the game number
    o = 1; % Loop for getting input repeatatively unles proper input is received.
    while o == 1
        close all; % Close all figures if open
        % Question Dialog with 3 inputs of Rock, Paper and Scissor
        player_move = questdlg('Make your move','Rock Paper Scissor','Rock','Paper','Scissor','Rock');
        % Switch case based on player move
        switch player_move
            case 'Rock' %For Rock Selection
                % Read Rock Image to player image and show it in subplot
                pl_img = imread('R1.jpg');
                subplot(121); imshow(pl_img);
                title('Player chose Rock');
            case 'Paper' % For Paper Selection
                % Read Paper Image to player image and show it in subplot
                pl_img = imread('P1.jpg');
                subplot(121); imshow(pl_img);
                title('Player chose Paper');
            case 'Scissor'% For Scissor Selection
                % Read Scissor Image to player image and show it in subplot
                pl_img = imread('S1.jpg');
                subplot(121); imshow(pl_img);
                title('Player chose Scissors');
            otherwise %otherwise take input again in the loop
                disp('Invalid selection. Choose properly!');
    pause(0.5); % Use Pause for giving time to random number generation
    pause on;
    computer_move = randi(3); % Randomly generate Computer Move and based
    % on the move load Computer Image and show it in the subplot
    if computer_move == 1
        co_img = imread('R2.jpg');
        subplot(122); imshow(co_img);
        title('Computer chose Rock')
    elseif computer_move == 2
        co_img = imread('P2.jpg');
        subplot(122); imshow(co_img);
        title('Computer chose Paper')
    elseif computer_move == 3
        co_img = imread('S2.jpg');
        subplot(122); imshow(co_img);
        title('Computer chose Scissors')
    %% Rules for Rock Paper Scissors
    % 1. Rock beats scissors
    % 1a: Rock vs 3
    if strcmp(player_move,'Rock') && computer_move == 3
        fprintf('Kudos. You Won!\n');
        player_win = player_win + 1;
        h = msgbox('You win','Success','custom',pl_img);
        % 1b: 1 vs Scissor
    elseif computer_move == 1 && strcmp(player_move,'Scissor')
        fprintf('Oops. You Lost :(\n');
        computer_win = computer_win + 1;
        h = msgbox('Computer wins','Loss','custom',co_img);
        % 2.Scissors beats paper
        % 2a: Scissor vs 2
    elseif strcmp(player_move,'Scissor') && computer_move == 2
        fprintf('Kudos. You Won!\n');
        player_win = player_win + 1;
        h = msgbox('You win','Success','custom',pl_img);
        % 2b: 3 vs Paper
    elseif computer_move == 3 && strcmp(player_move,'Paper')
        fprintf('Oops. You Lost :(\n');
        computer_win = computer_win + 1;
        h = msgbox('Computer wins','Loss','custom',co_img);
        % 3. Paper beats rock
        % 3a: Paper vs 1
    elseif strcmp(player_move,'Paper') && computer_move == 1
        fprintf('Kudos. You Won!\n');
        player_win = player_win + 1;
        h = msgbox('You win','Success','custom',pl_img);
        % 3b: 2 vs Rock
    elseif computer_move == 2 && strcmp(player_move,'Rock')
        fprintf('Oops. You Lost :(\n');
        computer_win = computer_win + 1;
        h = msgbox('Computer wins','Loss','custom',co_img);
        %.4 if both players make the same move, then game is a draw
    else % Else Game is Draw
        fprintf('The Game is draw!\n')
        h = msgbox('The Game is Draw','Draw');
        n = n-1; % Replay the current Game
    pause(2.5); % Pause to show the winner
    delete(h); % Close the message box
% Display who is the final winner in set of games
if player_win > computer_win
    fprintf('\n\n\nYou are our ultimate winner.\n\n\n');
    fprintf('\n\n\nYou lost the game against computer.\n\n\n');

Code explains that computer will randomly choose one of the three inputs and winner will be decided according to the game rules. Depending on the what you chose computer will randomly pick one and depending on rules one will be winner of game.

You won!!


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About the author 

Gunjan Gupta

Gunjan is the founder of MATLAB Helper ® and a MathWorks Certified MATLAB Associate with his Post Graduate in Intellectual Property Rights. He conducts MATLAB & Simulink training programs with a focus on Logic and Skill Development.

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